Hello there, pop divas!

Yup, that's me! Hard to believe, huh? And after only one year, too!

I used to have a fairly awesome redirect page here that, well... redirected you to the new URL. But apparently that sort of whipped-cream kookiness was too *manly* for the likes of Tripod, and it was swept away and gobbled up like so many stale noodles of Top Ramen that you find in the corner of your kitchen cupboards. I guess that sort of thing is frowned upon in the annals of Tripod's kingdom. Frankly, I can't see why. I mean, if a beautiful girl needed to step on my back in order to reach a high shelf that contained a really attractive guy, I'd clench my teeth and scream "Only with the high heels, lady! It only hurts when you stop!!!"

True story!

But then again, I'm just a guy (according to my driver's license), not a second-rate web-hosting company. So I guess a little chess (pocket pool) is required here - I'll create a fake website to fool those Tripod goonies and still redirect the occasional passerby to my real website! Which is, by the way, this right here:


Bugs are so awesome

I wish I was one. Not this one, though. This is usually the defensive position I take whenever a girl talks to me. It usually works, too! Damn them!

More than I can sandal

These are my flip-flops. I wear them a lot and I can't remember how long I've had them - four or five years at least. The bottoms have become so worn away that they're completely smooth, and if I try to walk over a wet surface I risk falling down. Are you aroused yet?